SWIFT BIC Code of Swedbank Ab, Oslo

SWIFT BIC Code of Swedbank Ab, Norway, Oslo is SWEDNOKK

SWIFT BIC Code of Swedbank Ab, Oslo is SWEDNOKK
Country Norway
Bank Swedbank Ab
Location Oslo

SWIFT BIC code SWEDNOKK of bank Swedbank Ab, Oslo

SWIFT BIC code SWEDNOKK is used to transfer money from Oslo branch of Swedbank Ab to any other bank in the world. Oslo branch is located in Norway. The complete address of the bank is Oslo.

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Oslo

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Sparebanken Hedmark Head Office Hamar SHEDNO22
Nordlandsbanken Asa Oernes NOBANO22ORN
Norges Bank Norges Bank Kollor Asa Oslo NBHKNOKKKOL
Sparebanken Hedmark Elverum Elverum SHEDNO22EVR
Sparebanken Moere Langevaag SPARNO22LAN
Sparebanken Moere Fosnavaag SPARNO22FOS
Statoil Asa Stavanger SASANO22
Sparebanken Vest Bremnes SPAVNOBBBRE
Sparebank 1 Sr-bank Asa Stavanger SPRONO22
Seb Private Banking Oslo ESSENO22
Nordlandsbanken Asa Oslo NOBANO22OSL
Sparebank 1 Ostfold Akershus Moss RYGSNO22
Sparebanken Vest Stord SPAVNOBBSTO
Danske Bank A/s Stavanger Stavanger DABANO22SVG
Jpmorgan Europe Limited, Olso Branch Oslo CHASNOKKOSL
Sparebanken Hedmark Romedal Romedal SHEDNO22ROM
Sparebank 1 Smn Trondheim SPTRNO22
Norges Bank S-laan2 Oslo NBHKNOKKS02
Sparebanken Vest Os SPAVNOBBOSO
Sparebank 1 Sr-bank Asa Oelen SPRONO22OLN