SSRRROBU - Swift BIC Code of Sc Smith And Smith Srl, Bucharest

Swift BIC code of Sc Smith And Smith Srl which is located in Romania, Bucharest is SSRRROBU

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : SSRRROBU
Country Romania
Bank Sc Smith And Smith Srl
Location Bucharest

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Cluj-napoca

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Banca Transilvania S.A. Cluj-napoca Cluj-napoca BTRLRO22CJA
Banca Transilvania S.A. Beius Beius BTRLRO22BHB
Banca Transilvania S.A. Ag. Arad Arad BTRLRO22AR2
Banca Transilvania S.A. Targu Neamt Targu Neamt BTRLRO22NTT
Banca Romaneasca S.A. Bucharest BRMAROBU
Blom Bank France S.A. Romania Branch Bucharest BLOMROBU
Creditcoop Casa Centrala Bucharest CRCOROBU
Citibank Europe Plc, Dublin-sucursala Romania Bucharest CITIROBU
Banca Transilvania S.A. Focsani Focsani BTRLRO22VRA
Banca Transilvania S.A. Timisoara Timisoara BTRLRO22TMA
Banca Transilvania S.A. Victoriei Bucharest BTRLRO22BBV
Banca Transilvania S.A. Ploiesti Ploiesti BTRLRO22PHA
Banca Comerciala Feroviara S.A. Bucharest BFERROBU
Banca Transilvania S.A. Bucuresti Voluntari Bucharest BTRLRO22BVO
Piraeus Bank Romania Bucharest PIRBROBU
Banca Comerciala Carpatica Sa Sibiu CARPRO22
Banca Transilvania S.A. Ag. Magheru Bucharest BTRLRO22BB3
Nextebank S.A. (Formerly Mkb Romexterra Bank) Targu Mures CRDZROBUTGM
Banca Transilvania S.A. Bt Securities Cluj-napoca BTRLRO22BTS
Banca Transilvania S.A. Vatra Dornei Vatra Dornei BTRLRO22SVV

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Sc Smith And Smith Srl in Bucharest, Romania?

The SWIFT BIC Code SSRRROBU is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Romania, Bucharest branch, Sc Smith And Smith Srl. SWIFT BIC Code of Sc Smith And Smith Srl is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Sc Smith And Smith Srl, Romania, Bucharest Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (SSRR) represent bank code of Sc Smith And Smith Srl.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (RO) represent country code of Romania.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (BU) represent the branch identification code of Romania, Bucharest.