VOBADESS - Swift BIC Code of Volksbank Stuttgart Eg, Stuttgart

Swift BIC code of Volksbank Stuttgart Eg which is located in Germany, Stuttgart is VOBADESS

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : VOBADESS
Country Germany
Bank Volksbank Stuttgart Eg
Location Stuttgart

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Wiesbaden

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Ikano Bank Gmbh Wiesbaden PLFGDE5A
Seb Ag Reutlingen ESSEDE5F654
Commerzbank Ag (Formerly Dresdner Bank Ag) Pcc Dcc-itgk 1 Wuppertal DRESDEFFI86
Deutsche Bank Privat-und Geschaeftskunden Ag Wipperfuerth DEUTDEDB341
Commerzbank Ag (Formerly Dresdner Bank Ag) Corporates And Markets Dcc-itgk Osnabrueck DRESDEFFI10
Deutsche Bank Privat-und Geschaeftskunden Ag Aachen DEUTDEDB390
Commerzbank Ag Iserlohn COBADEFF445
Ubs Global Asset Management (Deutschland) Gmbh Frankfurt Am Main UBSNDEFF
Commerzbank Ag (Formerly Dresdner Bank Ag) Pcc Dcc-itgk 7 Duesseldorf DRESDEFFI80
Commerzbank Ag (Formerly Dresdner Bank Ag) Pcc Dcc-itgk 3 Hamburg DRESDEFFI63
Deutsche Bank Privat-und Geschaeftskunden Ag Bad Honnef DEUTDEDB944
Oldenburgische Landesbank Ag Elsfleth OLBODEH2206
Commerzbank Ag Hofheim COBADEFF005
Commerzbank Ag Kelkheim COBADEFF007
Deutsche Bank Privat-und Geschaeftskunden Ag Stade DEUTDEDB209
Deutsche Bank Ag Ravensburg DEUTDESS650
Deutsche Bank Privat-und Geschaeftskunden Ag Bernburg DEUTDEDB863
Unicredit Bank Ag (Hypovereinsbank) Miesbach HYVEDEMM035
Commerzbank Ag Heiligenhaus COBADEFF332
Deutsche Bank Ag Ennepetal DEUTDEDW331

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Volksbank Stuttgart Eg in Stuttgart, Germany?

The SWIFT BIC Code VOBADESS is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Germany, Stuttgart branch, Volksbank Stuttgart Eg. SWIFT BIC Code of Volksbank Stuttgart Eg is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Volksbank Stuttgart Eg, Germany, Stuttgart Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (VOBA) represent bank code of Volksbank Stuttgart Eg.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (DE) represent country code of Germany.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (SS) represent the branch identification code of Germany, Stuttgart.