IFSC RTGS Code of Kasganj, Distt. Etah (Uttar P, Kasganj-Up, Punjab National Bank

IFSC RTGS Code of Kasganj-Up, Kasganj, Distt. Etah (Uttar P, Kasganj-Up, Kasganj-Up, Punjab National Bank used for RTGS and NEFT

Bank information of IFSC code : 207024202
Bank Name Punjab National Bank
IFSC Code PUNB0026100
MICR Code 207024202
Branch Name Kasganj, Distt. Etah (Uttar P
City Kasganj-up
District Kasganj-up
State Uttar Pradesh

How to read IFSC code of Punjab National Bank, Kasganj-Up, Uttar Pradesh , Kasganj, Distt. Etah (Uttar P?

Indian Financial System Code, IFSC Code is PUNB0026100
Step 1 : First 4 charachters (PUNB) represnt Bank Name of Punjab National Bank.
Step 2 : Fifth charchter is always zero (0) for future purpose.
Step 3 : Last 6 charachters (026100) represnt the branch identification code of Kasganj, Distt. Etah (Uttar P.