IFSC Code of State Bank Of Travancore in Attingal - Nri, Attingal, Trivandrum, Kerala

IFSC Code of State Bank Of Travancore in Attingal - Nri, Attingal, Trivandrum, Kerala , PB.NO. 64, AMC 1/506, SHINE COMMERCIAL COMPLEX, ATTINGAL P.O. 695101 NRIATTINGAL@SBT.CO.IN

Bank information of IFSC code : SBTR0000631
Bank Name State Bank Of Travancore
IFSC Code SBTR0000631 (Used for NEFT and RTGS Transactions)
Branch Code 000631 (Last 6 digits of IFSC)
MICR Code 695009053
Branch Name Attingal - Nri
Branch Contact 2623234
City Attingal
District Trivandrum
State Kerala

IFSC code of Attingal - Nri, Attingal, State Bank Of Travancore

IFSC code of Attingal - Nri branch of bank State Bank Of Travancore is SBTR0000631. Attingal - Nri is located in Attingal city, Trivandrum district, Kerala . Contact details of Attingal - Nri is 2623234. MICR code of Attingal - Nri, State Bank Of Travancore is 695009053. The address of the branch is PB.NO. 64, AMC 1/506, SHINE COMMERCIAL COMPLEX, ATTINGAL P.O. 695101 NRIATTINGAL@SBT.CO.IN, Attingal, Kerala . Last 6 digits of IFSC code i.e. 000631 represent branch code.

IFSC SBTR0000631 Details

In IFSC code SBTR0000631, first 4 letters SBTR are used to identify the bank name of State Bank Of Travancore. Last 6 letters i.e. 000631 are used to identify the branch Attingal - Nri. Fifth charchter is 0 for future purpose.

MICR 695009053 Details

The MICR code 695009053 is used to process cheque in banks. First 3 digits 695 are used to identify city Attingal. Next 3 digits i.e. 009 are used to identify the bank State Bank Of Travancore. Last 3 digits 053 represent branch name of Attingal - Nri.