SWIFT BIC Code of Giro Zrt., Budapest

SWIFT BIC Code of Giro Zrt., Hungary, Budapest is GHUNHUHBGIR

SWIFT BIC Code of Giro Zrt., Budapest is GHUNHUHBGIR
Country Hungary
Bank Giro Zrt.
Location Budapest

SWIFT BIC code GHUNHUHBGIR of bank Giro Zrt., Budapest

SWIFT BIC code GHUNHUHBGIR is used to transfer money from Budapest branch of Giro Zrt. to any other bank in the world. Budapest branch is located in Hungary. The complete address of the bank is Budapest.

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Budapest

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Mkb Bank Zrt (Formerly Magyar Kulkereskedelmi Bank Rt.) Budapest MKKBHUHB
Raiffeisen Bank Zrt. Budapest UBRTHUHB
Sberbank Magyarorszag Zrt Budapest MAVOHUHB
Kdb Bank Europe Ltd. Budapest KODBHUHB
Otp Mortgagebank Ltd Budapest OTPJHUHB
Fhb Kereskedelmi Bank Zrt Budapest FHKBHUHB
O.F.Sz. Orszagos Fizetesi Szolgaltato Zartkoruen MUKodo Reszvenytarsasag Budapest OFSZHUHB
Fundamenta-lakaskassza Lakastakarekpenztar Rt Budapest FLTPHUHB
Budapest Bank Rt. Budapest BUDAHUHB
Citibank Europe Plc Hungarian Branch Trade Services Dept. Budapest CITIHUHXTRD
Magyar Cetelem Bank Zrt. Budapest MCBHHUHB
Citibank Europe Plc Hungarian Branch Budapest CITIHUHX
Magnet Bank Zrt.(Formerly Banco Popolare Hungary Zrt.) Budapest INCNHUHB
Deutsche Bank Ag Hungary Branch Budapest DEUTHU2B
Ing Bank N.V. Hungary Branch Budapest INGBHUHB
Unicredit Bank Hungary Zrt. Budapest BACXHUHB
Bank of China (Hungary) Ltd Budapest BKCHHUHB
Sopron Bank Burgenland Zrt. Sopron EHBBHUHS
Alsonemedi Es Videke Takarekszoevetkezet Alsonemedi AVTEHUHA
Evobank Co. Ltd. Budapest KULBHUHB