FRBKNL2L - Swift BIC Code of Friesland Bank, Leeuwarden

Swift BIC code of Friesland Bank which is located in Netherlands, Leeuwarden is FRBKNL2L

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : FRBKNL2L
Country Netherlands
Bank Friesland Bank
Location Leeuwarden

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Amsterdam

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc The Netherlands (Formerly Known As Rbs Nv) Rbs Nl Amsterdam RBOSNL2A
Ing Bank N.V. Amsterdam INGBNL2ALMI
Ing Belgium Nv/sa (Formerly Bank Brussels Lambert Sa Breda Branch) Breda BBRUNL2X
Aegon Nv Den Haag AENVNL2G
Nationale Nederlanden Bank N.V. Den Haag NNBANL2G
Nederlandsche Bank (De) N.V. Foreign Exchange Amsterdam FLORNL2AFEX
Abn Amro Bank N.V. Agency Services Breda ABNANL2AAGS
N.V. Bank Voor De Bouwnijverheid Amsterdam BOUNNL2A
Bnp Paribas Bank Nv Amsterdam BNPANL22
Abn Amro Bank N.V. Euroclear Nederland Retail Breda ABNANL2ARET
Kbc Bank Nv Nederland Rotterdam KREDNL2X
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi Ufj (Holland) N.V. Amsterdam BOTKNL2X
Swift Customer Service Centre Europe Ordering And Billing Services Customer Service Centre Europe SWHQNLNLSVC
Aegon Bank N.V. Nieuwegein AEGONL2U
Ubs Bank (Netherlands) B.V. Amsterdam UBSWNL2A
Nederlandse Financierings Maatschappij Voor Ontwikkelingslanden N.V. Den Haag NFMONL2G
Bank of America N.A. Amsterdam Amsterdam BOFANLNXLIQ
Deutsche Bank Nederland N.V. Amsterdam DEUTNL2N
Achmea Retail Bank N.V. Leusden ARBNNL22
Leaseplan Corporation N.V. Lease Plan Bank Almere-stad LPLNNL2ALPB

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Friesland Bank in Leeuwarden, Netherlands?

The SWIFT BIC Code FRBKNL2L is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Netherlands, Leeuwarden branch, Friesland Bank. SWIFT BIC Code of Friesland Bank is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Friesland Bank, Netherlands, Leeuwarden Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (FRBK) represent bank code of Friesland Bank.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (NL) represent country code of Netherlands.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (2L) represent the branch identification code of Netherlands, Leeuwarden.