Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : RBABCH22955 | |
Country | Switzerland |
Bank | Clientis Bank Toggenburg Ag |
Location | Kirchberg |
SWIFT BIC Code | RBABCH22955 |
SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Zurich
Bank | Location | SWIFT BIC Code |
Credit Suisse Ag (Fides Treasury Services Ltd) | Tfl-service Zurich | CRESCHZFTFL |
Credit Suisse Ag | Gstaad | CRESCHZZ37L |
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft | Oey | RAIFCH22794 |
Credit Suisse Ag | Galleria Zurich | CRESCHZZ80O |
Investor Gestion Sa | Geneva | IVGECHGG |
Zurich Insurance Company | Zfb Zurich | ZURICHZFZFB |
Luzerner Kantonalbank | Schuepfheim | LUKBCH2261F |
Swiss Reinsurance Company | Swiss Re Asset Management Zurich | SWRECHZHSWR |
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft | Plaffeien | RAIFCH22899 |
Credit Suisse Ag | Aarau | CRESCHZZ50A |
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft | Schleitheim | RAIFCH22D44 |
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft | Visperterminen | RAIFCH22499 |
Novartis Ag | Esbatech Schlieren | NOVRCHBS128 |
Migros Bank | Lucerne | MIGRCHZZ60A |
Credit Suisse Ag | Staefa | CRESCHZZ87F |
Credit Suisse Ag | Brissago | CRESCHZZ66F |
Credit Suisse Ag | Bellinzona | CRESCHZZ65A |
Credit Suisse Ag | Zofingen | CRESCHZZ48A |
Banque Cantonale De Fribourg | Fribourg | BEFRCH22 |
Sparkasse Schwyz Ag | Schwyz | RBABCH22633 |
What is the SWIFT BIC code of Clientis Bank Toggenburg Ag in Kirchberg, Switzerland?
The SWIFT BIC Code RBABCH22955 is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Switzerland, Kirchberg branch, Clientis Bank Toggenburg Ag. SWIFT BIC Code of Clientis Bank Toggenburg Ag is provided by World Bank.
How to read SWIFT BIC code of Clientis Bank Toggenburg Ag, Switzerland, Kirchberg Branch
SWIFT BIC Code - RBABCH22955 |
Step 1 : First 4 charachters (RBAB) represent bank code of Clientis Bank Toggenburg Ag. |
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (CH) represent country code of Switzerland. |
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (22) represent the branch identification code of Switzerland, Kirchberg. |