VCGPFR22 - Swift BIC Code of Vinci Construction Grands Projets, Rueil Malmaison

Swift BIC code of Vinci Construction Grands Projets which is located in France, Rueil Malmaison is VCGPFR22

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : VCGPFR22
Country France
Bank Vinci Construction Grands Projets
Location Rueil Malmaison

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Saint Genis Pouilly

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Electropoli Center Saint Genis Pouilly ELPOFR22
Credit Agricole Romans Sur Isere AGRIFRPPRSI
Credit Agricole Fougeres AGRIFRPPFOG
Caisses Depargne-groupe Bpce French Savings Banks Paris CEPAFRPP
Credit Agricole Cherbourg AGRIFRPPCHE
Credit Agricole Falaise AGRIFRPPFAL
Credit Agricole Guebwiller AGRIFRPPGBW
The Bank of New York Mellon Sa/nv Paris BNYMFRPP
Credit Agricole Crepy En Valois AGRIFRPPCEV
Rcibanque S.A. Noisy Le Grand RCINFRPP
Abe Clearing Sas/eba Clearing (System Operator) Paris EBAPFRPS
Credit Agricole Muret AGRIFRPPMET
Caisse Depargne Bretagne Pays De Loire Nantes CEPAFRPP444
Credit Agricole Saint Leu La Foret AGRIFRPPSLF
Credit Agricole Macon AGRIFRPPMAC
Derichebourg Sa Paris DERHFRPP
Societe Generale Villeneuve Sur Lot SOGEFRPPVSL
Credit Agricole Pertuis AGRIFRPPPTS
Credit Agricole Chateau Salins AGRIFRPPCSA
Credit Agricole Boe AGRIFRPPBOE

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Vinci Construction Grands Projets in Rueil Malmaison, France?

The SWIFT BIC Code VCGPFR22 is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of France, Rueil Malmaison branch, Vinci Construction Grands Projets. SWIFT BIC Code of Vinci Construction Grands Projets is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Vinci Construction Grands Projets, France, Rueil Malmaison Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (VCGP) represent bank code of Vinci Construction Grands Projets.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (FR) represent country code of France.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (22) represent the branch identification code of France, Rueil Malmaison.