IFSC RTGS Code of Ghazipur, Distt. Ghazipur (Up), Ghazipur-Up, Punjab National Bank

IFSC RTGS Code of Ghazipur-Up, Ghazipur, Distt. Ghazipur (Up), Ghazipur-Up, Ghazipur, Punjab National Bank used for RTGS and NEFT

Bank information of IFSC code : 233024003
Bank Name Punjab National Bank
IFSC Code PUNB0066200
MICR Code 233024003
Branch Name Ghazipur, Distt. Ghazipur (Up)
City Ghazipur-up
District Ghazipur
State Uttar Pradesh

How to read IFSC code of Punjab National Bank, Ghazipur-Up, Uttar Pradesh , Ghazipur, Distt. Ghazipur (Up)?

Indian Financial System Code, IFSC Code is PUNB0066200
Step 1 : First 4 charachters (PUNB) represnt Bank Name of Punjab National Bank.
Step 2 : Fifth charchter is always zero (0) for future purpose.
Step 3 : Last 6 charachters (066200) represnt the branch identification code of Ghazipur, Distt. Ghazipur (Up).

Other Branches with IFSC code in Same City

Bank Branch IFSC Code
Punjab National Bank Saidpur, Distt. Ghazipur (Up) PUNB0387100
Punjab National Bank Rauza, Distt. Ghazipur (Up) PUNB0387300