HABALT22 - Swift BIC Code of Swedbank Ab, Vilnius

Swift BIC code of Swedbank Ab which is located in Lithuania, Vilnius is HABALT22

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : HABALT22
Country Lithuania
Bank Swedbank Ab
Location Vilnius

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Vilnius

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Swedbank Ab Vilnius HABALT22
Nordea Bank Finland Plc Lithuania Branch Vilnius NDEALT2X
Danske Bank A/s Lithuania Branch Vilnius SMPOLT22
Bank Finasta Vilnius FIBALT22
Lietuvos Centrinis Vertybiniu Popieriu Depozitoriumas Ab (Central Securities Depository of Lithuania) Vilnius CSDLLT22
Jsc Smp Bank Lithuanian Branch Vilnius SMPBLT2X
Pohjola Bank Plc Lithuanian Branch Vilnius OKOYLT2X
Lithuanian Central Credit Union Kaunas LCKULT22
Lietuvos Bankas (Bank of Lithuania) Vilnius LIABLT2X
Ab Dnb Bankas Vilnius AGBLLT2X
Siauliu Bankas Ab Siauliai CBSBLT26
Uab Medicinos Bankas Vilnius MDBALT22
As Unicredit Bank Lietuvos Skyrius Vilnius UNCRLT22
Uab Fmi Finvesta Vilnius UAFFLT22
Lietuvos Centrinis Vertybiniu Popieriu Depozitoriumas Ab (Central Securities Depository of Lithuania) Pm Vilnius CSDLLT22RTG
Lietuvos Bankas (Bank of Lithuania) Target2 Contingency Vilnius LIABLT2XCON
Seb Bank Vilnius CBVILT2X
Lietuvos Bankas (Bank of Lithuania) Payment Systems Department Vilnius LIABLT2XMSD
Svenska Handelsbanken Ab Vilnius HANDLT2X
UKio Bankas Kaunas UKIOLT2X

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Swedbank Ab in Vilnius, Lithuania?

The SWIFT BIC Code HABALT22 is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Lithuania, Vilnius branch, Swedbank Ab. SWIFT BIC Code of Swedbank Ab is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Swedbank Ab, Lithuania, Vilnius Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (HABA) represent bank code of Swedbank Ab.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (LT) represent country code of Lithuania.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (22) represent the branch identification code of Lithuania, Vilnius.