BUDAHUHB - Swift BIC Code of Budapest Bank Rt., Budapest

Swift BIC code of Budapest Bank Rt. which is located in Hungary, Budapest is BUDAHUHB

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : BUDAHUHB
Country Hungary
Bank Budapest Bank Rt.
Location Budapest

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Budapest

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Magyar Nemzeti Bank Domestic Payment System Budapest MANEHUHH
Magyar Cetelem Bank Zrt. Budapest MCBHHUHB
Foldhitel Es Jelzalogbank Rt Budapest FHJBHUHB
Cib Bank Ltd. (Formerly Central-european Int.Bank Ltd.) Budapest CIBHHUHB
Kozponti Elszamolohaz Es Ertektar (Budapest), Zrt. Viber Department Budapest KELRHUHBABC
O.F.Sz. Orszagos Fizetesi Szolgaltato Zartkoruen MUKodo Reszvenytarsasag Budapest OFSZHUHB
Kdb Bank Europe Ltd. Budapest KODBHUHB
Erste Bank Hungary Zrt Budapest GIBAHUHB
Bnp Paribas, Hungary Branch Budapest BNPAHUHX
Credigen Bank Zrt Budapest CRDGHUHB
Hungarian State Treasury Budapest HUSTHUHB
Evobank Co. Ltd. Budapest KULBHUHB
Alsonemedi Es Videke Takarekszoevetkezet Alsonemedi AVTEHUHA
Citibank Europe Plc Hungarian Branch Custody Department Budapest CITIHUHXCUS
Magyar Nemzeti Bank Budapest MANEHUHB
K And H Bank Zrt.(Formerly Kereskedelmi Es Hitelbank Rt) Budapest OKHBHUHB
Otp Mortgagebank Ltd Budapest OTPJHUHB
Otp Bank Plc. Budapest OTPVHUHB
Ing Bank N.V. Hungary Branch Budapest INGBHUHB
Szechenyi Kereskedelmi Bank Zrt. Budapest SPEUHUHB

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Budapest Bank Rt. in Budapest, Hungary?

The SWIFT BIC Code BUDAHUHB is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Hungary, Budapest branch, Budapest Bank Rt.. SWIFT BIC Code of Budapest Bank Rt. is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Budapest Bank Rt., Hungary, Budapest Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (BUDA) represent bank code of Budapest Bank Rt..
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (HU) represent country code of Hungary.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (HB) represent the branch identification code of Hungary, Budapest.