HAHMKMKM - Swift BIC Code of Snpsf (Societe Nationale Des Postes), Moroni

Swift BIC code of Snpsf (Societe Nationale Des Postes) which is located in Comoros, Moroni is HAHMKMKM

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : HAHMKMKM
Country Comoros
Bank Snpsf (Societe Nationale Des Postes)
Location Moroni

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Snpsf (Societe Nationale Des Postes) Moroni HAHMKMKM
Exim Bank Comores Ltd Moroni EXTNKMKM
Banque Federale De Commerce Moroni BFDCKMKM
Banque Pour Lindustrie Et Le Commerce Des Comores Moroni BICCKMKM
Banque Centrale Des Comoros Moroni COCBKMKM

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Snpsf (Societe Nationale Des Postes) Moroni in Moroni , Comoros?

The SWIFT BIC Code HAHMKMKM is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Comoros, Moroni branch, Snpsf (Societe Nationale Des Postes). SWIFT BIC Code of Snpsf (Societe Nationale Des Postes) is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Snpsf (Societe Nationale Des Postes), Comoros, Moroni Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (HAHM) represent bank code of Snpsf (Societe Nationale Des Postes).
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (KM) represent country code of Comoros.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (KM) represent the branch identification code of Comoros, Moroni .