INFLUAUK - Swift BIC Code of Industrial Financial Bank, Kremenchug

Swift BIC code of Industrial Financial Bank which is located in Ukraine, Kremenchug is INFLUAUK

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : INFLUAUK
Country Ukraine
Bank Industrial Financial Bank
Location Kremenchug

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Lviv

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Jsc Kredobank (Formerly Jsc Kredyt Bank(UKraina)) Lviv WUCBUA2X
Finbank Odesa FNBKUA22
UKrainian Capital Bank Kiev UKCAUAUK
Bank Kyiv Js Kiev JKIEUAUK
Bank of Cyprus Kiev AVTOUA22
Public Joint-stock Company Melior Bank Dnipropetrovsk MLRBUA22
Brokbusinessbank Donetsk Donetsk BRBBUAUXDON
Pjsc Unicombank Donetsk PERAUA2X
Pjsc Cb Active-bank Kiev ALOMUAUK
First UKrainian International Bank Head Office Donetsk FUIBUA2X
Privatbank Central Gorlovka City PBANUA2XGR1
Brokbusinessbank Bila Tserkva Bila Tserkva BRBBUAUXBTR
Pjsc Bank Credit Dnepr Dnipropetrovsk CRDEUA2N
Privatbank Chernivtsi Chernivtsi PBANUA2XCVF
Privatbank Khmelnytsky Khmelnytsky PBANUA2XHMF
Artem-bank Kiev ARTLUAUK
Megabank Pjsc Kherson DBBKUA2KKHE
Pjsc Euroindustribank Donetsk EUOMUA2X
Jsc The State Export-import Bank of UKraine Ivano-frankivsk Ivano-frankivsk EXBSUAUXIVF

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Industrial Financial Bank in Kremenchug, Ukraine?

The SWIFT BIC Code INFLUAUK is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Ukraine, Kremenchug branch, Industrial Financial Bank. SWIFT BIC Code of Industrial Financial Bank is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Industrial Financial Bank, Ukraine, Kremenchug Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (INFL) represent bank code of Industrial Financial Bank.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (UA) represent country code of Ukraine.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (UK) represent the branch identification code of Ukraine, Kremenchug.