Bank information of IFSC code : HDFC0009229 | |
Bank Name | Hdfc Bank |
IFSC Code | HDFC0009229 (Used for NEFT and RTGS Transactions) |
Branch Code | 009229 (Last 6 digits of IFSC) |
MICR Code | 530240015 |
Branch Name | Beach Road |
Branch Address | GRD FLR DOOR 7 1 64 7 1 65 ASST NO 30254 30255 BLOCK 35 T S NO 990 OF WALTAIR WARD VIZAG A P 530023 |
Branch Contact | 9949493333 |
City | Visakhapatnam |
District | Vishakhapatnam |
State | Andhra Pradesh |
IFSC code of Beach Road, Visakhapatnam, Hdfc Bank
IFSC code of Beach Road branch of bank Hdfc Bank is HDFC0009229. Beach Road is located in Visakhapatnam city, Vishakhapatnam district, Andhra Pradesh . Contact details of Beach Road is 9949493333. MICR code of Beach Road, Hdfc Bank is 530240015. The address of the branch is GRD FLR DOOR 7 1 64 7 1 65 ASST NO 30254 30255 BLOCK 35 T S NO 990 OF WALTAIR WARD VIZAG A P 530023, Visakhapatnam, Andhra Pradesh . Last 6 digits of IFSC code i.e. 009229 represent branch code.
IFSC HDFC0009229 Details
In IFSC code HDFC0009229, first 4 letters HDFC are used to identify the bank name of Hdfc Bank. Last 6 letters i.e. 009229 are used to identify the branch Beach Road. Fifth charchter is 0 for future purpose.
MICR 530240015 Details
The MICR code 530240015 is used to process cheque in banks. First 3 digits 530 are used to identify city Visakhapatnam. Next 3 digits i.e. 240 are used to identify the bank Hdfc Bank. Last 3 digits 015 represent branch name of Beach Road.