Bank information of IFSC code : 507054002 | |
Bank Name | City Union Bank |
IFSC Code | CIUB0000263 |
MICR Code | 507054002 |
Branch Name | Thillai Nagar |
Branch Address | C 28, 11TH CROSS, THILLAI NAGAR, TIRICHIRAPALLI 620 018 |
Branch Contact | 2742717 |
City | Tiruchirapalli |
District | Tiruchirapalli |
State | Tamil Nadu |
How to read IFSC code of City Union Bank, Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu , Thillai Nagar?
Indian Financial System Code, IFSC Code is CIUB0000263 |
Step 1 : First 4 charachters (CIUB) represnt Bank Name of City Union Bank. |
Step 2 : Fifth charchter is always zero (0) for future purpose. |
Step 3 : Last 6 charachters (000263) represnt the branch identification code of Thillai Nagar. |