534028134 - MICR Code of Attili, Attili, Uco Bank


Bank information of MICR code : 534028134
Bank Name Uco Bank
IFSC Code UCBA0000229
MICR Code 534028134
Branch Name Attili
Branch Address UCO BANKATTILI BRANCH 534134
Branch Contact 255008
City Attili
District West Godavari
State Andhra Pradesh

MICR code of Uco Bank, Attili Branch in West Godavari, Attili, Andhra Pradesh

1. First 3 digits (534) represent city code of Attili.
2. Next 3 digits (028) bank code of Uco Bank.
3. Last 3 digits (134) represent Attili branch name.

Other Branches with MICR code in Same City

Bank Branch Micr Code
State Bank Of India Attili 534002004
Andhra Bank Attili 534011662
Canara Bank Attili 534015663