678240802 - MICR Code of Koduvayur - Kerala, Koduvayur, Hdfc Bank


Bank information of MICR code : 678240802
Bank Name Hdfc Bank
IFSC Code HDFC0001530
MICR Code 678240802
Branch Name Koduvayur - Kerala
Branch Address DOOR 3/596MAIN ROAD,
Branch Contact 9895663333
City Koduvayur
District Palakkad
State Kerala

MICR code of Hdfc Bank, Koduvayur - Kerala Branch in Palakkad, Koduvayur, Kerala

1. First 3 digits (678) represent city code of Koduvayur.
2. Next 3 digits (240) bank code of Hdfc Bank.
3. Last 3 digits (802) represent Koduvayur - Kerala branch name.

Other Branches with MICR code in Same City

Bank Branch Micr Code
State Bank Of Travancore Koduvayur 678009203
Bank Of Baroda Koduvayur, Kerala 678012003