824024521 - MICR Code of Rafiganj, Distt. Aurangabad, Rafiganj (Distt. Aurangabad), Punjab National Bank


Bank information of MICR code : 824024521
Bank Name Punjab National Bank
IFSC Code PUNB0084100
MICR Code 824024521
Branch Name Rafiganj, Distt. Aurangabad
Branch Address RAFIGANJ,
City Rafiganj (distt. Aurangabad)
District Distt. Aurangabad
State Bihar

MICR code of Punjab National Bank, Rafiganj, Distt. Aurangabad Branch in Distt. Aurangabad, Rafiganj (Distt. Aurangabad), Bihar

1. First 3 digits (824) represent city code of Rafiganj (Distt. Aurangabad).
2. Next 3 digits (024) bank code of Punjab National Bank.
3. Last 3 digits (521) represent Rafiganj, Distt. Aurangabad branch name.