IFSC Code of Sbi in Ambalapuzha, Alleppey, Kerala

IFSC Code of Sbi in Ambalapuzha, Alleppey, Kerala , XI AND 144, CHUREKAVIL BUILDING, KOMANA, P.O.AMBALAPUZHA, DISTALLEPPEY688561

Bank information of IFSC code : SBIN0013406
Bank Name State Bank Of India
IFSC Code SBIN0013406 (Used for NEFT and RTGS Transactions)
Branch Code 013406 (Last 6 digits of IFSC)
MICR Code 688002152
Branch Name Ambalapuzha
City Alleppey
District Alleppey
State Kerala

IFSC code of Ambalapuzha, Alleppey, State Bank Of India

IFSC code of Ambalapuzha branch of bank State Bank Of India is SBIN0013406. Ambalapuzha is located in Alleppey city, Alleppey district, Kerala . MICR code of Ambalapuzha, State Bank Of India is 688002152. The address of the branch is XI AND 144, CHUREKAVIL BUILDING, KOMANA, P.O.AMBALAPUZHA, DISTALLEPPEY688561, Alleppey, Kerala . Last 6 digits of IFSC code i.e. 013406 represent branch code.

IFSC SBIN0013406 Details

In IFSC code SBIN0013406, first 4 letters SBIN are used to identify the bank name of State Bank Of India. Last 6 letters i.e. 013406 are used to identify the branch Ambalapuzha. Fifth charchter is 0 for future purpose.

MICR 688002152 Details

The MICR code 688002152 is used to process cheque in banks. First 3 digits 688 are used to identify city Alleppey. Next 3 digits i.e. 002 are used to identify the bank State Bank Of India. Last 3 digits 152 represent branch name of Ambalapuzha.