SWIFT BIC Code of Danske Bank A/s, Birkeroed

SWIFT BIC Code of Danske Bank A/s, Denmark, Birkeroed is DABADKKKBIR

SWIFT BIC Code of Danske Bank A/s, Birkeroed is DABADKKKBIR
Country Denmark
Bank Danske Bank A/s
Location Birkeroed

SWIFT BIC code DABADKKKBIR of bank Danske Bank A/s, Birkeroed

SWIFT BIC code DABADKKKBIR is used to transfer money from Birkeroed branch of Danske Bank A/s to any other bank in the world. Birkeroed branch is located in Denmark. The complete address of the bank is Birkeroed.

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Birkeroed

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Danske Bank A/s Frederikssund DABADKKKFSU
Vestas Wind Systems A/s Randers WINDDK22
Nordea Bank Danmark A/s Bank Cash Concentration Copenhagen NDEADKKKBCC
Carnegie Asset Management Fondmaeglerselskab A/s Copenhagen CARNDK22
Skjern Bank Borris SKJBDK22BOR
Sydbank A/s Esbjerg SYBKDK22ESB
Danske Bank A/s Glostrup DABADKKKGLO
Skjern Bank Bramming SKJBDK22BRM
Nordjyske Bank A/s Copenhagen EBANDK22CPH
Sparekassen Lolland A/s Nakskov BCPHDKKK
Nordea Bank Danmark A/s Copenhagen NDEADKKKCLS
Ringkjobing Landbobank A/s Former Tarm Bank Tarm RINGDK22TAR
Jyske Bank A/s Aarhus JYBADKKKAAR
Djurslands Bank A/s Pindstrup DJURDK22PIN
Jyske Bank A/s (Former Fjordbank Mors A/s) Nykoebing Mors MORBDK22
Danske Bank A/s Odense DABADKKKODE
Vp Securities A/s Vpdk As Investor Copenhagen VPDKDKKKINV
Danske Bank A/s Ballerup DABADKKKBAL
Vp Securities A/s Vplux Copenhagen VPDKDKKKALU
Danske Bank A/s Holbaek DABADKKKHBK