SWIFT BIC Code of Occidente International Corporation, Guatemala

SWIFT BIC Code of Occidente International Corporation, Guatemala, Guatemala is OCICGTGC

SWIFT BIC Code of Occidente International Corporation, Guatemala is OCICGTGC
Country Guatemala
Bank Occidente International Corporation
Location Guatemala

SWIFT BIC code OCICGTGC of bank Occidente International Corporation, Guatemala

SWIFT BIC code OCICGTGC is used to transfer money from Guatemala branch of Occidente International Corporation to any other bank in the world. Guatemala branch is located in Guatemala. The complete address of the bank is Guatemala.

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Guatemala

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Banco Citibank De Guatemala S.A. Citibank Central America Nassau Guatemala BACUGTGCNAS
Banco De Guatemala Guatemala BAGUGTGC
Banrural S.A. Guatemala BRRLGTGC
Banco Industrial S.A. Guatemala INDLGTGC
Banco De Credito S.A. Guatemala BDCTGTGT
Citibank N.A. Guatemala Guatemala CITIGTGC
Banco Ficohsa Guatemala Guatemala FCOHGTGC
Banco Inmobiliario S.A. Guatemala BINMGTGC
Banco Azteca De Guatemala Guatemala AZTKGTGC
Banco America Central Sociedad Anonima Guatemala AMCNGTGT
Banco Promerica S.A. Guatemala BPRCGTGC
Imagenes Computarizadas De Guatemala S. A. Guatemala ICGSGTGC
Banco G And T Continental S.A. Guatemala GTCOGTGC
Banco Citibank De Guatemala S.A. Guatemala BACUGTGC
El Credito Hipotecario Nacional De Guatemala Guatemala CHNAGTGC
Banco Internacional S.A. Guatemala DIBIGTGC
Banco Agromercantil De Guatemala S.A. Guatemala AGROGTGC
Banco De Los Trabajadores Guatemala TRAJGTGC
Banco Reformador S.A. Guatemala CTRCGTGC