SWIFT BIC Code of Bank of Namibia, Windhoek

SWIFT BIC Code of Bank of Namibia, Namibia, Windhoek is CBKNNANX

SWIFT BIC Code of Bank of Namibia, Windhoek is CBKNNANX
Country Namibia
Bank Bank of Namibia
Location Windhoek

SWIFT BIC code CBKNNANX of bank Bank of Namibia, Windhoek

SWIFT BIC code CBKNNANX is used to transfer money from Windhoek branch of Bank of Namibia to any other bank in the world. Windhoek branch is located in Namibia. The complete address of the bank is Windhoek.

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Windhoek

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Simonis Storm Securities (Pty) Ltd Windhoek FLMSNANX
Small And Medium Enterprises Bank Windhoek SMEBNANA
Standard Bank Namibia Limited Windhoek SBNMNANX
Irwin Jacobs Greene And Associates (Pty) Ltd. Windhoek IJGLNANA
Investment House Namibia (Pty) Ltd Windhoek IHNANANX
Bank Windhoek Limited Global Custody Windhoek BWLINANXCHM
Namclear (Pty) Limited Windhoek NAMCNANX
Bank Windhoek Limited Windhoek BWLINANX
First National Bank of Namibia Limited Windhoek FIRNNANX
Nedbank Namibia Limited Windhoek NEDSNANX
Bank of Namibia Clearing House Windhoek CBKNNANAPCH
Namibia Equity Brokers (Pty) Ltd Windhoek NBOENANX