SWIFT BIC Code of Ubs Ag, Zurich

SWIFT BIC Code of Ubs Ag, Switzerland, Roemerhof Zurich is UBSWCHZH80H

SWIFT BIC Code of Ubs Ag, Zurich is UBSWCHZH80H
Country Switzerland
Bank Ubs Ag
Location Roemerhof Zurich

SWIFT BIC code UBSWCHZH80H of bank Ubs Ag, Zurich

SWIFT BIC code UBSWCHZH80H is used to transfer money from Zurich branch of Ubs Ag to any other bank in the world. Zurich branch is located in Switzerland. The complete address of the bank is Zurich.

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Zurich

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Bhf Bank (Schweiz) Ag Zurich BHFBCHZZ
Credit Suisse Ag Rigiplatz Zurich CRESCHZZ80G
Credit Suisse Ag Madeleine Lausanne CRESCHZZ10D
Banque Coop, Sa Neuchatel COOPCHBB20A
Credit Suisse Ag Schaffhauserstrasse 151 Kloten CRESCHZZ83R
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft Zizers RAIFCH22A48
Credit Suisse Ag (Fides Treasury Services Ltd) Lts-service Zurich CRESCHZFLTS
Berner Kantonalbank Ag Moutier KBBECH2227F
Bs Bank Schaffhausen Ag Schaffhausen RBABCH22858
Zurich Insurance Company Zgh Zurich ZURICHZFZGH
Credit Suisse Ag Seestrasse Horgen CRESCHZZ88S
Credit Agricole (Suisse)sa All Swiss Offices Geneva AGRICHGG
Unicredit Bank Ag (Hypovereinsbank) Zurich HYVECHZU
Zuercher Kantonalbank Zurich ZKBKCHZZ80A
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft Chene-bourg RAIFCH22188
Zurich Insurance Company Ceu Zurich ZURICHZFCEU
Bank J. Safra Sarasin Ltd Zurich SARACHBBZRH
Nestle S.A. Vevey NESNCH22
Maerki Baumann Und Co. Ag Zurich MAEBCHZZ
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft Estavayer-le-lac RAIFCH22139