SWIFT BIC Code of Daykhanbank, Ashkhabad

SWIFT BIC Code of Daykhanbank, Turkmenistan, Ashkhabad is BDAYTM22

SWIFT BIC Code of Daykhanbank, Ashkhabad is BDAYTM22
Country Turkmenistan
Bank Daykhanbank
Location Ashkhabad

SWIFT BIC code BDAYTM22 of bank Daykhanbank, Ashkhabad

SWIFT BIC code BDAYTM22 is used to transfer money from Ashkhabad branch of Daykhanbank to any other bank in the world. Ashkhabad branch is located in Turkmenistan. The complete address of the bank is Ashkhabad.

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Ashkhabad

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
State Bank For Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan Ashkhabad SBFETM22
Senagat Bank Jscb Ashkhabad SENBTM22
Turkmen Turkish Joint Stock Commercial Bank Ashkhabad TUTCTM2X
Turkmenbank Ashkhabad TNBKTM2X
Halkbank Ashkhabad HALKTM22
Turkmenbashibank Ashkhabad INVATM2X
Central Bank of Turkmenistan, The Ashkhabad CBTUTM2A
National Bank of Pakistan Ashkhabad NBPATM22
Joint-stock Commercial Bank Rysgal Ashkhabad RYSGTM2A