AFRIKENX - Swift BIC Code of Bank of Africa Kenya Ltd, Nairobi

Swift BIC code of Bank of Africa Kenya Ltd which is located in Kenya, Nairobi is AFRIKENX

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : AFRIKENX
Country Kenya
Bank Bank of Africa Kenya Ltd
Location Nairobi

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Nairobi

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
National Bank of Kenya Ltd. Corporate Division Nairobi NBKEKENX310
Kenya Commercial Bank Limited Head Office Nairobi KCBLKENX
National Bank of Kenya Ltd. Moi Avenue Nairobi NBKEKENX743
Chase Bank (Kenya) Limited Nairobi CKENKENA
Kenya Commercial Bank Limited Kisumu Main Nairobi KCBLKENX077
National Bank of Kenya Ltd. Meru Nairobi NBKEKENX833
Guardian Bank Limited Nairobi GUARKENA
Central Bank of Kenya National Debt Division Nairobi CBKEKENXNDO
Barclays Bank of Kenya, Ltd. Nkrumah Road Mombasa BARCKENXMNR
National Bank of Kenya Ltd. Limuru Nairobi NBKEKENX922
National Bank of Kenya Ltd. Harambee Avenue Nairobi NBKEKENX711
Bank of Baroda (Kenya) Ltd Nyali , Mombasa, Kenya Mombasa BARBKENANYA
Central Bank of Kenya Banking Division Nairobi CBKEKENXBKG
Credit Bank Limited Nairobi CRBTKENA
Barclays Bank of Kenya, Ltd. Voucher Processing Centre Nairobi BARCKENXVPC
Victoria Commercial Bank Limited Nairobi VICMKENA
National Bank of Kenya Ltd. Kitui Nairobi NBKEKENX930
National Bank of Kenya Ltd. Nyeri Nairobi NBKEKENX876
Bank of India Westlands Br Nairobi BKIDKENAWST
Bank of Baroda (Kenya) Ltd Kakamega Kakamega BARBKENAKAK

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Bank of Africa Kenya Ltd in Nairobi, Kenya?

The SWIFT BIC Code AFRIKENX is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Kenya, Nairobi branch, Bank of Africa Kenya Ltd. SWIFT BIC Code of Bank of Africa Kenya Ltd is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Bank of Africa Kenya Ltd, Kenya, Nairobi Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (AFRI) represent bank code of Bank of Africa Kenya Ltd.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (KE) represent country code of Kenya.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (NX) represent the branch identification code of Kenya, Nairobi.