ANTAUAUK - Swift BIC Code of Tf Bank Kontrakt Inc, Kiev

Swift BIC code of Tf Bank Kontrakt Inc which is located in Ukraine, Kiev is ANTAUAUK

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : ANTAUAUK
Country Ukraine
Bank Tf Bank Kontrakt Inc
Location Kiev

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Kharkiv

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Public Joint Stock Company State Savings Bank of UKraine Kharkiv Regional Kharkiv COSBUAUKKHA
First UKrainian International Bank Commercial Dnipropetrovsk FUIBUA2XDNI
Privatbank Feodosiya Feodosiya PBANUA2XFEF
Public Joint Stock Company State Savings Bank of UKraine Kirovohrad Regional Kirovohrad COSBUAUKKIR
Classicbank Dnipropetrovsk CLBKUA2N
Pjsc Bank Trust Kiev REUSUAUK
First UKrainian International Bank Commercial Luhansk FUIBUA2XLUG
Brokbusinessbank Kherson Kherson BRBBUAUXKHE
Public Joint Stock Company Metabank Zaporozhye MTLGUA2N
Privatbank Zhytomyr Regional Zhytomyr PBANUA2XZRR
Integral Joint Stock Commercial Bank Kiev ITGRUAUK
Kreditprombank (Public Joint Stock Company) Kiev KPRBUAUK
Petrocommerce-UKraine Bank Jsc Kiev PECOUAUK
Jsc The State Export-import Bank of UKraine Uzhgorod Uzhhorod EXBSUAUXUZH
Privatbank Chernivtsi Chernivtsi PBANUA2XCVF
Pjsc Seb Corporate Bank Kiev ESSEUAUK
Jsc The State Export-import Bank of UKraine Izmail Izmail EXBSUAUXIZM
First UKrainian International Bank Zaporozhye Zaporozhye FUIBUA2XZAP
Open Joint Stock Company Commercial Bankstandart Kiev STRTUAUK
Credit Agricole Bank Pjsc Kiev AGRIUAUK

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Tf Bank Kontrakt Inc in Kiev, Ukraine?

The SWIFT BIC Code ANTAUAUK is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Ukraine, Kiev branch, Tf Bank Kontrakt Inc. SWIFT BIC Code of Tf Bank Kontrakt Inc is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Tf Bank Kontrakt Inc, Ukraine, Kiev Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (ANTA) represent bank code of Tf Bank Kontrakt Inc.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (UA) represent country code of Ukraine.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (UK) represent the branch identification code of Ukraine, Kiev.