BALBBDDHOBU - Swift BIC Code of Bank Asia Ltd, Off-shore Banking Unit Chittagong

Swift BIC code of Bank Asia Ltd which is located in Bangladesh, Off-shore Banking Unit Chittagong is BALBBDDHOBU

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : BALBBDDHOBU
Country Bangladesh
Bank Bank Asia Ltd
Location Chittagong Off-shore Banking Unit

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Dhaka

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Al-arafah Islami Bank Ltd. Uttara Dhaka ALARBDDH082
Al-arafah Islami Bank Ltd. Dhaka ALARBDDH
Islami Bank Bangladesh Ltd Foreign Trade Processing Division Dhaka IBBLBDDHFTD
National Bank Limited Barisal Barisal NBLBBDDH013
Bangladesh Commerce Bank Ltd. Moulavi Bazar Dhaka BCBLBDDH017
Prime Bank Limited Barisal Barisal PRBLBDDH008
National Bank Limited Gulshan Dhaka NBLBBDDH067
Eastern Bank Ltd. Motijheel Dhaka EBLDBDDH005
International Finance Investment And Commerce Bank Ltd. Agrabad Chittagong IFICBDDH030
Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited Banani Dhaka SJBLBDDHBNA
Export Import Bank of Bangladesh Ltd Dhaka EXBKBDDH
National Bank Limited Brahmanbaria Brahmanbaria NBLBBDDH022
Jamuna Bank Limited Trade Finance Processing Center Chittagong JAMUBDDHTFC
Mutual Trust Bank Limited Babu Bazar Dhaka MTBLBDDHBBB
Eastern Bank Ltd. Rajshahi Rajshahi EBLDBDDH016
Habib Bank Ltd. Chittagong HABBBDDH0CH
Eastern Bank Ltd. Jessore Jessore EBLDBDDH010
International Finance Investment And Commerce Bank Ltd. Moulvibazar Dhaka IFICBDDH004
Eastern Bank Ltd. Gulshan Dhaka EBLDBDDH011
Agrani Bank Limited Rajgonj Comilla AGBKBDDH020

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Bank Asia Ltd Off-shore Banking Unit in Off-shore Banking Unit Chittagong, Bangladesh?

The SWIFT BIC Code BALBBDDHOBU is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Bangladesh, Off-shore Banking Unit Chittagong branch, Bank Asia Ltd. SWIFT BIC Code of Bank Asia Ltd is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Bank Asia Ltd, Bangladesh, Off-shore Banking Unit Chittagong Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (BALB) represent bank code of Bank Asia Ltd.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (BD) represent country code of Bangladesh.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (DH) represent the branch identification code of Bangladesh, Off-shore Banking Unit Chittagong.