BRBBUAUXKRA - Swift BIC Code of Brokbusinessbank, Kramatorsk Kramatorsk

Swift BIC code of Brokbusinessbank which is located in Ukraine, Kramatorsk Kramatorsk is BRBBUAUXKRA

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : BRBBUAUXKRA
Country Ukraine
Bank Brokbusinessbank
Location Kramatorsk Kramatorsk

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Kiev

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Fortuna Bank Ltd Kiev FTNAUAUK
First UKrainian International Bank Commercial Gorlovka City FUIBUA2XGRV
Public Joint Stock Company State Savings Bank of UKraine Rivne Regional Rivne COSBUAUKRIV
Ing Bank UKraine Kiev INGBUAUK
Pjsc Starokyivsky Bank Kiev JSTTUAUK
Privatbank Zhytomyr Zhytomyr PBANUA2XZHF
Privatbank Dniprodzerjinsk Dniprodzerjinsk PBANUA2XDZF
Poltava-bank Poltava Joint Stock Bank Poltava POLTUA2X
Privatbank Mykolaiv PBANUA2XMYK
Pjsc Vtb Bank Kiev VTBRUAUK
Public Joint Stock Company Diamantbank Kiev DMBAUAUK
Pjsc Real Bank Lisichansk Lisichansk NPKBUA2XLIS
Brokbusinessbank Volyn Lutsk BRBBUAUXLUT
Public Joint Stock Company State Savings Bank of UKraine Ivano-frankivsk Regional Ivano-frankivsk COSBUAUKIVF
Public Joint Stock Company Joint Stock Commercial Bank Noviy Dnipropetrovsk NJSOUA2N
First UKrainian International Bank Commercial Luhansk FUIBUA2XLUG
Privatbank Poltava PBANUA2XPOL
Pjsc Bank Avangard Kiev AVGDUAUK
Industrial Financial Bank Kremenchug INFLUAUK
Daniel Bank Kiev DACLUAUK

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Brokbusinessbank Kramatorsk in Kramatorsk Kramatorsk, Ukraine?

The SWIFT BIC Code BRBBUAUXKRA is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Ukraine, Kramatorsk Kramatorsk branch, Brokbusinessbank. SWIFT BIC Code of Brokbusinessbank is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Brokbusinessbank, Ukraine, Kramatorsk Kramatorsk Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (BRBB) represent bank code of Brokbusinessbank.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (UA) represent country code of Ukraine.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (UX) represent the branch identification code of Ukraine, Kramatorsk Kramatorsk.