COBADEFF966 - Swift BIC Code of Commerzbank Ag, Sh F-s48 Schwaebisch Hall

Swift BIC code of Commerzbank Ag which is located in Germany, Sh F-s48 Schwaebisch Hall is COBADEFF966

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : COBADEFF966
Country Germany
Bank Commerzbank Ag
Location Schwaebisch Hall Sh F-s48

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Glauchau

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Commerzbank Ag Glauchau COBADEFF874
Commerzbank Ag Borna COBADEFF862
Commerzbank Ag Unna COBADEFF443
Deutsche Bank Privat-und Geschaeftskunden Ag Bad Saeckingen DEUTDEDB684
Deutsche Bank Privat-und Geschaeftskunden Ag Freiberg (sachs) DEUTDEDB879
Commerzbank Ag Freiberg (sachs) COBADEFF873
Sydbank A/s Kiel Kiel SYBKDE22KIE
Commerzbank Ag Hoyerswerda COBADEFF853
Oberbank Ag Germering OBKLDEMXGER
Deutsche Bank Privat-und Geschaeftskunden Ag Straubing DEUTDEDB751
Deutsche Bank Ag Geseke DEUTDE3B475
Commerzbank Ag (Formerly Dresdner Bank Ag) Pcc Dcc-itgk 12 Koeln DRESDEFFJ05
Oberbank Ag Augsburg OBKLDEMXAUG
Deutsche Bank Ag Bensberg DEUTDEDK350
Umweltbank Ag Nuernberg UMWEDE7N
Commerzbank Ag Verden COBADEFF291
Commerzbank Ag (Formerly Dresdner Bank Ag) P And G Aachen Zw 98 Aachen DRESDEFFI37
Commerzbank Ag Wesel COBADEFF356
Unicredit Bank Ag (Hypovereinsbank) Kulmbach HYVEDEMM289
Daimler Ag Stuttgart DCAGDE6S

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Commerzbank Ag Sh F-s48 in Sh F-s48 Schwaebisch Hall, Germany?

The SWIFT BIC Code COBADEFF966 is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Germany, Sh F-s48 Schwaebisch Hall branch, Commerzbank Ag. SWIFT BIC Code of Commerzbank Ag is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Commerzbank Ag, Germany, Sh F-s48 Schwaebisch Hall Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (COBA) represent bank code of Commerzbank Ag.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (DE) represent country code of Germany.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (FF) represent the branch identification code of Germany, Sh F-s48 Schwaebisch Hall.