DABNKZ2P - Swift BIC Code of Jsc Sb Pnb Kazakhstan, Almaty

Swift BIC code of Jsc Sb Pnb Kazakhstan which is located in Kazakhstan, Almaty is DABNKZ2P

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : DABNKZ2P
Country Kazakhstan
Bank Jsc Sb Pnb Kazakhstan
Location Almaty

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Atyrau

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
The Royal Bank of Scotland Kazakhstan Atyrau Atyrau ABNAKZKXATY
Fortebank Jsc Almaty FOBAKZKA
Cjsc Citibank Kazakhstan Almaty CITIKZKA
Jsc Bankpozitiv Kazakhstan Almaty DEMIKZKA
Kazkommertsbank Payment Operations Almaty KZKOKZKX001
National Bank of Kazakhstan Almaty NBRKKZKX
Kaspi Bank Jsc Almaty CASPKZKA
Nurbank Joint Stock Company Almaty NURSKZKX
Sb Sberbank Jsc Almaty SABRKZKA
Jsc Bank Centercredit Almaty KCJBKZKX
Alfa Bank Jsc Sb Almaty ALFAKZKA
Qazaq Banki Joint Stock Company Kaskelen SENIKZKA
Asiacredit Bank Almaty LARIKZKA
Bta Bank Jsc Almaty ABKZKZKX
The Royal Bank of Scotland Kazakhstan Almaty ABNAKZKX
National Bank of Pakistan Cjsc Sb Almaty NBPAKZKA
The Royal Bank of Scotland Kazakhstan Tcov Tengiz ABNAKZKXTCO
Astana Finance Bank Almaty ASFBKZKA
Shinhan Bank Kazakhstan Almaty SHBKKZKA
Bank of China Kazakhstan Almaty BKCHKZKA

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Jsc Sb Pnb Kazakhstan in Almaty, Kazakhstan?

The SWIFT BIC Code DABNKZ2P is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Kazakhstan, Almaty branch, Jsc Sb Pnb Kazakhstan. SWIFT BIC Code of Jsc Sb Pnb Kazakhstan is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Jsc Sb Pnb Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan, Almaty Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (DABN) represent bank code of Jsc Sb Pnb Kazakhstan.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (KZ) represent country code of Kazakhstan.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (2P) represent the branch identification code of Kazakhstan, Almaty.