FOLTNOKK - Swift BIC Code of Folketrygdfondet, Oslo

Swift BIC code of Folketrygdfondet which is located in Norway, Oslo is FOLTNOKK

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : FOLTNOKK
Country Norway
Bank Folketrygdfondet
Location Oslo

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Oelen

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Sparebank 1 Sr-bank Asa Oelen SPRONO22OLN
Sparebanken Hedmark Alvdal Alvdal SHEDNO22ALV
Dnb Markets, A Business Unit of Dnb Bank Asa, Oslo Cls Nostro Agent Control Bergen DNBANOKXCLS
Sparebanken Moere Langevaag SPARNO22LAN
Sparebanken Vest Bergen SPAVNOBB
Danske Bank A/s Sogndal Sogndal DABANO22SOG
Swedbank Ab Oslo SWEDNOKK
Nordlandsbanken Asa Oernes NOBANO22ORN
Danske Bank A/s Stavanger Stavanger DABANO22SVG
Sparebanken Hedmark Kongsvinger Kongsvinger SHEDNO22KVR
Nordlandsbanken Asa Mosjoen NOBANO22MOS
Dnb Bank Asa Oslo DNBANOKK
Sparebanken Vest Odda SPAVNOBBDDA
Nordlandsbanken Asa Fauske NOBANO22FAU
Norges Bank Technical Infrastructure Agent Role For Nbo Oslo NBHKNOKKTIA
Dnb Asset Management As Oslo DNAMNOKK
Sparebanken Hedmark Skotterud Skotterud SHEDNO22SKO
Danske Bank A/s Steinkjer Steinkjer DABANO22STE
Norsk Hydro A.S.A., Hydro Finans Oslo NHYDNOKK
Sparebanken Moere Aaheim SPARNO22AAH

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Folketrygdfondet in Oslo, Norway?

The SWIFT BIC Code FOLTNOKK is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Norway, Oslo branch, Folketrygdfondet. SWIFT BIC Code of Folketrygdfondet is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Folketrygdfondet, Norway, Oslo Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (FOLT) represent bank code of Folketrygdfondet.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (NO) represent country code of Norway.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (KK) represent the branch identification code of Norway, Oslo.