KBBECH2237A - Swift BIC Code of Berner Kantonalbank Ag, Spiez

Swift BIC code of Berner Kantonalbank Ag which is located in Switzerland, Spiez is KBBECH2237A

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : KBBECH2237A
Country Switzerland
Bank Berner Kantonalbank Ag
Location Spiez

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Sachseln

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft Sachseln RAIFCH22C31
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft Immensee RAIFCH22D51
Bank Zweiplus Ag Zurich BZPLCHZZ
Bank Leerau Genossenschaft Kirchleerau RBABCH22588
Credit Suisse Ag Gelterkinden CRESCHZZ44F
Credit Suisse Ag Via Maistra 9 St. Moritz CRESCHZZ75R
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft Niederrohrdorf RAIFCH22719
Remaco Wealth Management Ag Basle RMCOCHBB
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft Camorino RAIFCH22313
Banque Coop, Sa Geneva COOPCHBB12A
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft Luzern RAIFCH22C03
Zurich Insurance Company Zg2 Zurich ZURICHZFZG2
Credit Suisse Ag Helvetiaplatz Zurich CRESCHZZ80I
Regiobank Maennedorf Ag Mannedorf RBABCH22828
Credit Suisse Ag Uzwil CRESCHZZ92D
Compagnie Privee De Conseils Et Dinvestissements S.A. Geneva CPCICHGG
Credit Suisse Ag Bahnhofstrasse Burgdorf CRESCHZZ34R
Graubuendner Kantonalbank Chur GRKBCH2270A
Credit Suisse Ag Allschwil CRESCHZZ41D
Raiffeisen Schweiz Genossenschaft Charmey RAIFCH22117

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Berner Kantonalbank Ag in Spiez, Switzerland?

The SWIFT BIC Code KBBECH2237A is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Switzerland, Spiez branch, Berner Kantonalbank Ag. SWIFT BIC Code of Berner Kantonalbank Ag is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Berner Kantonalbank Ag, Switzerland, Spiez Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (KBBE) represent bank code of Berner Kantonalbank Ag.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (CH) represent country code of Switzerland.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (22) represent the branch identification code of Switzerland, Spiez.