MIDLCZPP - Swift BIC Code of Hsbc Bank Plc, Prague

Swift BIC code of Hsbc Bank Plc which is located in Czech Republic, Prague is MIDLCZPP

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : MIDLCZPP
Country Czech Republic
Bank Hsbc Bank Plc
Location Prague

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Prague

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Evropsko Ruska Banka A.S. Prague FICHCZPP
J.P. Morgan Energy Europe S.R.O. Prague CHASCZPX
Zuno Bank Ag Organizacni Slozka Prague ZUNOCZPP
Postova Banka A.S. Pobocka Ceska Republika Prague POBNCZPP
Oberbank Ag Ostrava OBKLCZ2XOST
Unicredit Bank Czech Republic A.S. Securities Settlement Prague BACXCZPPRET
Commerzbank Ag Prague COBACZPX
Artesa Sporitelni Druzstvo Prague ARTTCZPP
Citibank Europe Plc Organizacni Slozka Prague CITICZPX
Lbbw Bank Cz A.S. Prague SOLACZPP
Ppf Banka A.S. Prague PMBPCZPP
Czech Export Bank Prague CZEECZPP
Oberbank Ag Cesky Krumlov OBKLCZ2XCKR
Ing Bank N.V. Prague INGBCZPP
Oberbank Ag Hradec Kralove OBKLCZ2XHRA
Oberbank Ag Ceske Budejovice OBKLCZ2X
Fio Banka A.S. Prague FIOBCZPP
Zalozna Creditas Sporitelni Druzstvo Olomouc CTASCZ22
Pioneer Asset Management A.S. Prague PIAMCZPP
Oberbank Ag Brno OBKLCZ2XBRN

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Hsbc Bank Plc in Prague, Czech Republic?

The SWIFT BIC Code MIDLCZPP is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Czech Republic, Prague branch, Hsbc Bank Plc. SWIFT BIC Code of Hsbc Bank Plc is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Hsbc Bank Plc, Czech Republic, Prague Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (MIDL) represent bank code of Hsbc Bank Plc.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (CZ) represent country code of Czech Republic.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (PP) represent the branch identification code of Czech Republic, Prague.