PREIUAUK - Swift BIC Code of Premium Bank, Kiev

Swift BIC code of Premium Bank which is located in Ukraine, Kiev is PREIUAUK

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : PREIUAUK
Country Ukraine
Bank Premium Bank
Location Kiev

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Mykolaiv

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Public Joint Stock Company State Savings Bank of UKraine Mykolaiv Regional Mykolaiv COSBUAUKMYK
Public Joint Stock Company State Savings Bank of UKraine Zakarpattya Regional Uzhhorod COSBUAUKZAK
Policombank Jscb Chernihiv PLICUA22
First UKrainian International Bank Commercial Mykolaiv FUIBUA2XNIC
Privatbank Kovel Kovel PBANUA2XKOF
Jsc The State Export-import Bank of UKraine Lviv Lviv EXBSUAUXLVI
Jsc The State Export-import Bank of UKraine Uzhgorod Uzhhorod EXBSUAUXUZH
Joint Stock Company Accent-bank Dnipropetrovsk UKCBUAUK
Brokbusinessbank Zaporijya Zaporizhzhya BRBBUAUXZAP
Public Joint Stock Company State Savings Bank of UKraine Rivne Regional Rivne COSBUAUKRIV
Public Joint-stock Company Commercial Bank Pravex-bank Kiev PRAVUAUK
Brokbusinessbank Kharkiv Kharkiv BRBBUAUXKHA
International Investment Bank Kiev IINBUAUK
First UKrainian International Bank Commercial Mariupol FUIBUA2XMPL
UKrainian Bank of Development Pjsc Kiev VBRBUAUK
Public Joint Stock Company Zakhidinkombank Lutsk ZAKIUA22
Chernomorskiy Bank of Development And Reconstruction Simferopol CHRRUA22
Marfin Bank Ilichevsk Ilichevsk MTBAUA2DILK
Privatbank Khmelnytsky Khmelnytsky PBANUA2XHMF
First UKrainian International Bank Head Office Donetsk FUIBUA2X

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Premium Bank in Kiev, Ukraine?

The SWIFT BIC Code PREIUAUK is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Ukraine, Kiev branch, Premium Bank. SWIFT BIC Code of Premium Bank is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Premium Bank, Ukraine, Kiev Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (PREI) represent bank code of Premium Bank.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (UA) represent country code of Ukraine.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (UK) represent the branch identification code of Ukraine, Kiev.