SCBLKENXSSU - Swift BIC Code of Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited, Securities Services Unit Nairobi

Swift BIC code of Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited which is located in Kenya, Securities Services Unit Nairobi is SCBLKENXSSU

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : SCBLKENXSSU
Country Kenya
Bank Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited
Location Nairobi Securities Services Unit

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Nairobi

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Ecobank Kenya Ltd Nairobi ECOCKENA
Barclays Bank of Kenya, Ltd. Dealers Department H/o Nairobi BARCKENXDLR
Barclays Bank of Kenya, Ltd. Nkrumah Road Mombasa BARCKENXMNR
National Bank of Kenya Ltd. Kisumu Nairobi NBKEKENX761
Bank of India Nairobi BKIDKENA
Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited Nairobi SCBLKENX
Habib Bank Ag Zurich Nairobi HBZUKENA
National Bank of Kenya Ltd. Limuru Nairobi NBKEKENX922
Consolidated Bank of Kenya Ltd Nairobi CONKKENA
Kenya Commercial Bank Limited Kisumu Main Nairobi KCBLKENX077
Bank of Baroda (Kenya) Ltd Kisumu Kisumu BARBKENAKIS
Cfc Stanbic Bank Limited Nairobi SBICKENX
Bank of Baroda (Kenya) Ltd Kakamega Kakamega BARBKENAKAK
Central Bank of Kenya Nairobi CBKEKENX
Eastern And Southern African Trade And Developmentbank Nairobi ESATKENA
National Bank of Kenya Ltd. Molo Nairobi NBKEKENX949
Kenya Commercial Bank Limited Nairobi KCBLKENXTFS
Bank of Baroda (Kenya) Ltd Nairobi Main Nairobi BARBKENANMO
Bank of Baroda (Kenya) Ltd Digo Road, Mombasa Mombasa BARBKENAMOM
Giro Commercial Bank Ltd Nairobi GIROKENX

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited Securities Services Unit in Securities Services Unit Nairobi, Kenya?

The SWIFT BIC Code SCBLKENXSSU is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Kenya, Securities Services Unit Nairobi branch, Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited. SWIFT BIC Code of Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited, Kenya, Securities Services Unit Nairobi Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (SCBL) represent bank code of Standard Chartered Bank Kenya Limited.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (KE) represent country code of Kenya.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (NX) represent the branch identification code of Kenya, Securities Services Unit Nairobi.