SNMANPKA - Swift BIC Code of Sanima Bank Limited, Kathmandu

Swift BIC code of Sanima Bank Limited which is located in Nepal, Kathmandu is SNMANPKA

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : SNMANPKA
Country Nepal
Bank Sanima Bank Limited
Location Kathmandu

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Kathmandu

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Nepal Bangladesh Bank Limited Kathmandu NPBBNPKA
Lumbini Bank Limited Kathmandu LUBLNPKA
Janata Bank Nepal Limited Kathmandu JBNLNPKA
Sunrise Bank Limited Kathmandu SRBLNPKA
Century Commercial Bank Limited Kathmandu CCBNNPKA
Nmb Bank Ltd Kathmandu NMBBNPKA
Bank of Kathmandu Limited Kathmandu BOKLNPKA
Nepal Rastra Bank Foreign Exchange Department Kathmandu NRBLNPKAFED
Global Ime Bank Limited Birgunj GLBBNPKA
Citizens Bank International Limited Kathmandu CTZNNPKA
Nepal Sbi Bank Ltd. Kathmandu Birgunj Kathmandu NSBINPKA001
Kasthamandap Development Bank Ltd Kathmandu KDBLNPKA
Nic Asia Bank Limited Kathmandu NICENPKA
Tourism Development Bank Ltd. Kathmandu TDBLNPKA
Himalayan Bank Ltd. Kathmandu HIMANPKA
Nepal Bank Limited Kathmandu NEBLNPKA
Rastriya Banijya Bank Kathmandu RBBANPKA
Civil Bank Limited Kathmandu CIVLNPKA
Agricultural Development Bank Ltd Kathmandu ADBLNPKA
Kumari Bank Ltd Kathmandu KMBLNPKA

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Sanima Bank Limited in Kathmandu, Nepal?

The SWIFT BIC Code SNMANPKA is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Nepal, Kathmandu branch, Sanima Bank Limited. SWIFT BIC Code of Sanima Bank Limited is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Sanima Bank Limited, Nepal, Kathmandu Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (SNMA) represent bank code of Sanima Bank Limited.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (NP) represent country code of Nepal.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (KA) represent the branch identification code of Nepal, Kathmandu.