TEBKRS22024 - Swift BIC Code of Teb Sha, Drenas Pristina

Swift BIC code of Teb Sha which is located in Serbia, Drenas Pristina is TEBKRS22024

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : TEBKRS22024
Country Serbia
Bank Teb Sha
Location Pristina Drenas

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Pristina

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Teb Sha Peja Pristina TEBKRS22015
Sberbank Srbija A.D. Beograd SABRRSBG
Teb Sha Shadervan Pristina TEBKRS22012
Komercijalna Banka A.D. Beograd Sombor Sombor KOBBRSBGFSO
Univerzal Banka Ad Beograd UBBGRSBG
Societe Generale Banka Srbija Ad Beograd Beograd SOGYRSBG
Teb Sha Theranda Pristina TEBKRS22025
Otp Banka Srbija A.D. Novi Sad Novi Sad OTPVRS22
Teb Sha Vushtrri Pristina TEBKRS22016
Procredit Bank A.D. Belgrade Beograd PRCBRSBG
Piraeus Bank Ad Beograd Beograd PIRBRSBG
Aik Banka Ad Nis AIKBRS22
Hypo Alpe Adria Bank A.D. Beograd Beograd HAABRSBG
Teb Sha Gjakova Pristina TEBKRS22018
Komercijalna Banka A.D. Beograd Kragujevac Kragujevac KOBBRSBGFKG
Kbc Banka Ad Beograd AAAARSBG
Komercijalna Banka A.D. Beograd Beograd KOBBRSBG
Komercijalna Banka A.D. Beograd Novi Sad Novi Sad KOBBRSBGFNS
Teb Sha Qafa City Office Pristina TEBKRS22033
Komercijalna Banka A.D. Beograd Jagodina Jagodina KOBBRSBGFJA

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Teb Sha Drenas in Drenas Pristina, Serbia?

The SWIFT BIC Code TEBKRS22024 is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Serbia, Drenas Pristina branch, Teb Sha. SWIFT BIC Code of Teb Sha is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Teb Sha, Serbia, Drenas Pristina Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (TEBK) represent bank code of Teb Sha.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (RS) represent country code of Serbia.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (22) represent the branch identification code of Serbia, Drenas Pristina.