UKRSUAUX - Swift BIC Code of UKrsotsbank, Kiev

Swift BIC code of UKrsotsbank which is located in Ukraine, Kiev is UKRSUAUX

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : UKRSUAUX
Country Ukraine
Bank UKrsotsbank
Location Kiev

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Luhansk

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Public Joint Stock Company State Savings Bank of UKraine Luhansk Regional Luhansk COSBUAUKLUH
Privatbank Cherkasy PBANUA2XCHK
Promekonombank Publik Joint Stock Company Donetsk PROOUA2X
Privatbank Zhovti Vody PBANUA2XZHO
Public Joint-stock Company Vernum Bank Kiev VERNUAUK
Bank Kyiv Js Kiev JKIEUAUK
Privatbank Kovel Kovel PBANUA2XKOF
Brokbusinessbank Luhansk Luhansk BRBBUAUXLUH
Rodovid Bank Kiev PERCUAUX
Public Joint-stock Company UKrainian Professional Bank Kiev UKPBUAUK
Privatbank Ivano-frankivsk Ivano-frankivsk PBANUA2XIFF
Public Joint Stock Company State Savings Bank of UKraine Chernihiv Regional Chernihiv COSBUAUKCHG
Petrocommerce-UKraine Bank Jsc Kiev PECOUAUK
Public Joint Stock Company Intercreditbank Dnipropetrovsk ICBNUA2N
Pjsc Express-bank Donetsk Donetsk EXPBUAUKDON
Marfin Bank Simferopol Simferopol MTBAUA2DSYM
Brokbusinessbank Vinnitsia Vinnytsia BRBBUAUXVIN
Public Joint Stock Company State Savings Bank of UKraine Volyn Regional Lutsk COSBUAUKVOL
Pjsc UKrainian Construction Investment Bank Kyiv UCIBUAUK
Privatbank Novovolinsk Novovolinsk PBANUA2XNVF

What is the SWIFT BIC code of UKrsotsbank in Kiev, Ukraine?

The SWIFT BIC Code UKRSUAUX is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Ukraine, Kiev branch, UKrsotsbank. SWIFT BIC Code of UKrsotsbank is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of UKrsotsbank, Ukraine, Kiev Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (UKRS) represent bank code of UKrsotsbank.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (UA) represent country code of Ukraine.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (UX) represent the branch identification code of Ukraine, Kiev.