WELATRIS - Swift BIC Code of Portigon Ag, Istanbul

Swift BIC code of Portigon Ag which is located in Turkey, Istanbul is WELATRIS

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : WELATRIS
Country Turkey
Bank Portigon Ag
Location Istanbul

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Istanbul

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Finansbank A.S. Altunizade Istanbul FNNBTRISALT
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S. Hopa Artvin TEBUTRIS290
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S. Levent Sanayi Istanbul TEBUTRIS049
Ing Bank A.S. (Formerly Oyak Bank A.S.) Ankara Nato Yolu Ankara INGBTRIS728
Finansbank A.S. Gunesli Istanbul FNNBTRISGUN
Turkiye Halk Bankasi A.S. (Head office) Treasury Operations Istanbul TRHBTR2ATRY
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S. Narlidere Izmir TEBUTRIS703
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S. Giresun Giresun TEBUTRIS270
T Bank-turkland Bank A.S. Dudullu Istanbul TBNKTRIS034
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S. Fethiye Inonu Bulvari Mugla TEBUTRIS168
Hsbc Bank A.S. Securities Istanbul HSBCTRIXHYM
Denizbank A.S. Ege Serbest Bolge Izmir DENITRIS970
Tekstil Bankasi A.S. Moda Istanbul TEKBTRISMOD
T Bank-turkland Bank A.S. Gaziantep Gaziantep TBNKTRIS040
Ing Bank A.S. (Formerly Oyak Bank A.S.) Denizli Denizli INGBTRIS116
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S. Ankara 4. Kolordu Ankara TEBUTRIS285
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S. Erenler Sanayi Sakarya TEBUTRIS288
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S. Manavgat Carsi Antalya TEBUTRIS478
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S. Gunesli Gulbahar Caddesi Istanbul TEBUTRIS404
Turk Ekonomi Bankasi A.S. Rumeli Kurumsal Istanbul TEBUTRIS636

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Portigon Ag in Istanbul, Turkey?

The SWIFT BIC Code WELATRIS is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Turkey, Istanbul branch, Portigon Ag. SWIFT BIC Code of Portigon Ag is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Portigon Ag, Turkey, Istanbul Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (WELA) represent bank code of Portigon Ag.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (TR) represent country code of Turkey.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (IS) represent the branch identification code of Turkey, Istanbul.