IFSC Code of The Shamrao Vithal Cooperative Bank in The Hubli Urban Coop Bank Dharawad, Dharwad, Karnataka

IFSC Code of The Shamrao Vithal Cooperative Bank in The Hubli Urban Coop Bank Dharawad, Dharwad, Karnataka , MUDHOLKAR BLDG, VIJAYA ROAD, BEHIND CBT

Bank information of IFSC code : SVCB0033007
Bank Name The Shamrao Vithal Cooperative Bank
IFSC Code SVCB0033007 (Used for NEFT and RTGS Transactions)
Branch Code 033007 (Last 6 digits of IFSC)
MICR Code 580211257
Branch Name The Hubli Urban Coop Bank Dharawad
Branch Contact 2228379
City Dharwad
District Dharwad
State Karnataka

IFSC code of The Hubli Urban Coop Bank Dharawad, Dharwad, The Shamrao Vithal Cooperative Bank

IFSC code of The Hubli Urban Coop Bank Dharawad branch of bank The Shamrao Vithal Cooperative Bank is SVCB0033007. The Hubli Urban Coop Bank Dharawad is located in Dharwad city, Dharwad district, Karnataka . Contact details of The Hubli Urban Coop Bank Dharawad is 2228379. MICR code of The Hubli Urban Coop Bank Dharawad, The Shamrao Vithal Cooperative Bank is 580211257. The address of the branch is MUDHOLKAR BLDG, VIJAYA ROAD, BEHIND CBT, Dharwad, Karnataka . Last 6 digits of IFSC code i.e. 033007 represent branch code.

IFSC SVCB0033007 Details

In IFSC code SVCB0033007, first 4 letters SVCB are used to identify the bank name of The Shamrao Vithal Cooperative Bank. Last 6 letters i.e. 033007 are used to identify the branch The Hubli Urban Coop Bank Dharawad. Fifth charchter is 0 for future purpose.

MICR 580211257 Details

The MICR code 580211257 is used to process cheque in banks. First 3 digits 580 are used to identify city Dharwad. Next 3 digits i.e. 211 are used to identify the bank The Shamrao Vithal Cooperative Bank. Last 3 digits 257 represent branch name of The Hubli Urban Coop Bank Dharawad.