Bank information of IFSC code : UBIN0557501 | |
Bank Name | Union Bank Of India |
IFSC Code | UBIN0557501 (Used for NEFT and RTGS Transactions) |
Branch Code | 557501 (Last 6 digits of IFSC) |
MICR Code | 751026007 |
Branch Name | Patia |
Branch Contact | 6742742202 |
City | Bhubaneshwar |
District | Khurda |
State | Odisha |
IFSC code of Patia, Bhubaneshwar, Union Bank Of India
IFSC code of Patia branch of bank Union Bank Of India is UBIN0557501. Patia is located in Bhubaneshwar city, Khurda district, Odisha . Contact details of Patia is 6742742202. MICR code of Patia, Union Bank Of India is 751026007. The address of the branch is SAI ANANDAM COMM COMLPLOT 386 21 PATIA, Bhubaneshwar, Odisha . Last 6 digits of IFSC code i.e. 557501 represent branch code.
IFSC UBIN0557501 Details
In IFSC code UBIN0557501, first 4 letters UBIN are used to identify the bank name of Union Bank Of India. Last 6 letters i.e. 557501 are used to identify the branch Patia. Fifth charchter is 0 for future purpose.
MICR 751026007 Details
The MICR code 751026007 is used to process cheque in banks. First 3 digits 751 are used to identify city Bhubaneshwar. Next 3 digits i.e. 026 are used to identify the bank Union Bank Of India. Last 3 digits 007 represent branch name of Patia.