SWIFT BIC Code of Centralni Depozitar Cennych Papiru A.S., Prague

SWIFT BIC Code of Centralni Depozitar Cennych Papiru A.S., Czech Republic, Prague is UNIYCZPP

SWIFT BIC Code of Centralni Depozitar Cennych Papiru A.S., Prague is UNIYCZPP
Country Czech Republic
Bank Centralni Depozitar Cennych Papiru A.S.
Location Prague

SWIFT BIC code UNIYCZPP of bank Centralni Depozitar Cennych Papiru A.S., Prague

SWIFT BIC code UNIYCZPP is used to transfer money from Prague branch of Centralni Depozitar Cennych Papiru A.S. to any other bank in the world. Prague branch is located in Czech Republic. The complete address of the bank is Prague.

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Prague

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka A.S. Head Office Prague CEKOCZPP
Unicredit Bank Czech Republic A.S. Securities Settlement Prague BACXCZPPRET
Hsbc Bank Plc Prague MIDLCZPP
Evropsko Ruska Banka A.S. Prague FICHCZPP
Oberbank Ag Opava OBKLCZ2XOPA
Oberbank Ag Hradec Kralove OBKLCZ2XHRA
Hsbc Bank Plc Sepa Direct Debits Prague MIDLCZPPSDD
Deutsche Bank Ag Prague DEUTCZPX
The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc Czech Republic (Formerly Known As Rbs Nv) Prague ABNACZPP
Bre Bank S.A. Organizacni Slozka Podniku Prague BREXCZPP
Komercni Banka A.S. Prague KOMBCZPP
Oberbank Ag Usti Nad Labem OBKLCZ2XUST
Oberbank Ag Cesky Krumlov OBKLCZ2XCKR
Oberbank Ag Plzen OBKLCZ2XPLZ
Czech Export Bank Prague CZEECZPP
Ppf Banka A.S. Prague PMBPCZPP
Postova Banka A.S. Pobocka Ceska Republika Prague POBNCZPP
Zalozna Creditas Sporitelni Druzstvo Olomouc CTASCZ22
Oberbank Ag Ceske Budejovice OBKLCZ2X
Bnp Paribas Fortis Sa/nv Pobocka Ceska Republika Prague GEBACZPP