KELRHUHBABC - Swift BIC Code of Kozponti Elszamolohaz Es Ertektar (Budapest), Zrt., Viber Department Budapest

Swift BIC code of Kozponti Elszamolohaz Es Ertektar (Budapest), Zrt. which is located in Hungary, Viber Department Budapest is KELRHUHBABC

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : KELRHUHBABC
Country Hungary
Bank Kozponti Elszamolohaz Es Ertektar (Budapest), Zrt.
Location Budapest Viber Department

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Budapest

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Kozponti Elszamolohaz Es Ertektar (Budapest), Zrt. Budapest KELRHUHB
Magnet Bank Zrt.(Formerly Banco Popolare Hungary Zrt.) Budapest INCNHUHB
Bnp Paribas, Hungary Branch Budapest BNPAHUHX
Citibank Europe Plc Hungarian Branch Custody Department Budapest CITIHUHXCUS
Porsche Bank Hungaria Zrt Budapest POHZHUHB
Kdb Bank Europe Ltd. Budapest KODBHUHB
Giro Zrt. Budapest GHUNHUHBGIR
Hungarian State Treasury Budapest HUSTHUHB
Magyar Export Import Bank Zrt. Budapest HEXIHUHB
Hungarian Branch office of Axa Bank Europe Sa. Budapest EUDIHUHB
Budapest Bank Rt. Budapest BUDAHUHB
Citibank Europe Plc Hungarian Branch Budapest CITIHUHX
Sberbank Magyarorszag Zrt Budapest MAVOHUHB
Foldhitel Es Jelzalogbank Rt Budapest FHJBHUHB
Fhb Kereskedelmi Bank Zrt Budapest FHKBHUHB
Unicredit Bank Hungary Zrt. Budapest BACXHUHB
Magyar Takarekszovetkezeti Bank Rt. Budapest TAKBHUHB
Hungarian Development Bank Plc Budapest HBIDHUHB
Fundamenta-lakaskassza Lakastakarekpenztar Rt Budapest FLTPHUHB
Alsonemedi Es Videke Takarekszoevetkezet Alsonemedi AVTEHUHA

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Kozponti Elszamolohaz Es Ertektar (Budapest), Zrt. Viber Department in Viber Department Budapest, Hungary?

The SWIFT BIC Code KELRHUHBABC is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Hungary, Viber Department Budapest branch, Kozponti Elszamolohaz Es Ertektar (Budapest), Zrt.. SWIFT BIC Code of Kozponti Elszamolohaz Es Ertektar (Budapest), Zrt. is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Kozponti Elszamolohaz Es Ertektar (Budapest), Zrt., Hungary, Viber Department Budapest Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (KELR) represent bank code of Kozponti Elszamolohaz Es Ertektar (Budapest), Zrt..
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (HU) represent country code of Hungary.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (HB) represent the branch identification code of Hungary, Viber Department Budapest.