OBKLCZ2XPAR - Swift BIC Code of Oberbank Ag, Pardubice

Swift BIC code of Oberbank Ag which is located in Czech Republic, Pardubice is OBKLCZ2XPAR

Bank information of SWIFT BIC code : OBKLCZ2XPAR
Country Czech Republic
Bank Oberbank Ag
Location Pardubice

SWIFT BIC Code of Banks in Pardubice

Bank Location SWIFT BIC Code
Oberbank Ag Pardubice OBKLCZ2XPAR
Oberbank Ag Mlada Boleslav OBKLCZ2XMLA
J.P. Morgan Energy Europe S.R.O. Prague CHASCZPX
Commerzbank Ag Prague COBACZPX
Bre Bank S.A. Organizacni Slozka Podniku Prague BREXCZPP
The Royal Bank of Scotland Plc Czech Republic (Formerly Known As Rbs Nv) Prague ABNACZPP
Ge Money Bank A.S.(Formerly Ge Capital Bank A.S.) Prague AGBACZPP
Oberbank Ag Pisek OBKLCZ2XPIS
Ceska Narodni Banka Prague CNBACZPP
Citibank Europe Plc Organizacni Slozka Trade Services Dept. Prague CITICZPXTRD
Ceska Sporitelna A.S. Prague GIBACZPX
Unicredit Bank Czech Republic A.S. Prague BACXCZPP
Oberbank Ag Cesky Krumlov OBKLCZ2XCKR
J And T Banka A.S. Prague JTBPCZPP
Raiffeisenbank A.S. Prague RZBCCZPP
Oberbank Ag Hradec Kralove OBKLCZ2XHRA
Komercni Banka A.S. Prague KOMBCZPP
Zuno Bank Ag Organizacni Slozka Prague ZUNOCZPP
Ing Bank N.V. Prague INGBCZPP
Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi Ufj (Holland) N.V. Prague Branch Prague BOTKCZPP

What is the SWIFT BIC code of Oberbank Ag in Pardubice, Czech Republic?

The SWIFT BIC Code OBKLCZ2XPAR is a unique code which consists of letters, numbers and identifies of Czech Republic, Pardubice branch, Oberbank Ag. SWIFT BIC Code of Oberbank Ag is provided by World Bank.

How to read SWIFT BIC code of Oberbank Ag, Czech Republic, Pardubice Branch

Step 1 : First 4 charachters (OBKL) represent bank code of Oberbank Ag.
Step 2 : Next 2 charchter (CZ) represent country code of Czech Republic.
Step 3 : Next 2 charachters (2X) represent the branch identification code of Czech Republic, Pardubice.